Tenegen course

The five modules of Tenegen course will introduce the teachers into the educational use of the ICT tools of the XXI. century. It will be based on the new paradigm of networked learning, and on the exploring collaboration of the participants focusing on the intention to shape together the future education. As a last assignment the participants will try out with their students the own developed or collected e-learning materials, and the web 2.0 tools they discovered during the former modules - in online learning environment - in self created Moodle course.

TC01TC01 - E-learning concepts

Instructor: Mária Hartyányi, Prompt, Hungary

TC02TC02 – Networked learning

Instructor: Dr. István Bessenyei, ISERG, Hungary

TC03TC03 – Educational ICT tools

Instructor: István Kiss, Prompt, Hungary

TC04TC04 – E-learning events in Moodle

Instructor: Gábor Lajtos, Prompt, Hungary

TC05TC05 – Sharing Open Learning Objects

Instruktor: Giovanni Fulantell, CNR, Italy