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Open Content experiences
The extension of the FLOSS model to content
This theme has imposed itself on open-source programmers: in fact software is always followed by manuals, that is to say, by text documents, whether they are in digital form or of paper. If the software is free, the related documents should also be free.
Why should one consider only the documentation of free software and leave out other cultural fields? Let us think only of that content related to eLearning.
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was the first well-known educational organization to release its own didactical materials with a licence of the copyleft type. Thanks to the project MIT OCW (MIT OpencourseWare) MIT has, since 2002 MIT, made all the materials used in its courses available on the web free of charge. |
Wikepedia is certainly another relevant case of the free sharing of knowledge. Yet, while MIT makes a product that is complete and validated and available to everybody, Wikepedia is an example of a second relevant objective of FLOSS: cooperative formulation. Wikipedia is continuously enriching and widening its content thanks to the voluntary cooperation of thousands and thousands of people scattered all over the world. |
In a nutshell, Wikipedia is the tip of an iceberg: the most significant case of collaborative production of content based on the following principles:
everyone can upload new content, not necessarily complete and well-organized (somebody will do that);
anyone can modify already existing content provided the aim is improvement;
all the alterations are traced so that a previous version can be reactivated.
The basic hypothesis is that the modifications progressively improve the product and also that intentional episodes of vandalism can be thwarted by the supervision of the community.