TC04 - Moodle tutorial for teachers
User management
Create your own user ID
Create your own user ID
The system administrator (because he may want to save time and effort) may allow the users to register themselves in the system. Let's see how you can create a user account for a Moodle website.
Click on the Login box>Create new account link, and fill the dialog box. It's a simple form, and requires a minimum of data.
It is important taht the requested data includes an e-mail address, because future users will receive a confirmation request sent to this address. By following the link in this request they can complete their registration.
After you click the Create my new account you will get a message which says that you will be sent an e-mail.
After a while you find a request in your mailbox. This e-mail is a welcome, but it also contains a hyperlink. In order to confirm your registration you need to click on the link.
By clicking the link, you will be logged into the system and confirmed as a user.
The login to the portal does not necessarily mean open access to all courses. If they are not registered with a particular course there is no access to the courses.
All users logged in can do at least one useful thing: they can click on their name to change their user profile.