E-learning concepts - Table of Content
Web 2.0
Personalized homepage
Learning Objectives
- Discovering the advantages of RSS,
- Creating my personal frontpage.
How can the pages, interesting for us, be displayed, easily accessible and explicit? How could the reading of those progress diaries made during the course, and the visiting of our blogs be even more
The concept and the services of personal frontpage has already been introduced in the chapter for RSS. Also get acquainted with a few direct solutions like Netvibes, iGoogle, Protopage, Widgami applications. For a practice everyone had to put on the RSS newsreader of his/her progress diary. Now you can learn how to create your own personal webpage using the application you have known in the earlies lessons, using the Netvibes.
The concept and the services of personal frontpage has already been introduced in the chapter for RSS. Also get acquainted with a few direct solutions like Netvibes, iGoogle, Protopage, Widgami applications. For a practice everyone had to put on the RSS newsreader of his/her progress diary. Now you can learn how to create your own personal webpage using the application you have known in the earlies lessons, using the Netvibes.
Creating a personal webpage in a few steps
Visit the site: http://www.netvibes.com
1. Register on the site! Do not use accent marks in the title of your public page!

2. Public pages can be opened from the e-mails received! Open it and enter!
3. Before starting you can check this video to get an impression about the application:
Netvibes Showcase from Netvibes on Vimeo.
4. Netvibes is going to install automatically several pages, that may be useless for you but they can be erased when clicking on the small cross next to the name of the page!5. Open the main menu!

6. From the main menu you can select from the elements already known from Netvibes: news sources, modules (widgets), RSS channels can be inserted in the page.
7. Select among the modules and click on the menu “Add to my page” from the displayed menu. When a key word is entered fresh contents can be received by the selection of the given key word.

8. In the “Adjust” menu color combinations and arrangements can be chosen. Modules can be moved by dragging at the top.

9. Give RSS news channels to your page!

10. If you are satisfied with your page close the main menu and select it to be an opening page in your browser. Enter the link in your progress diary!

Now you can create your personal frontpage with just a few minutes work. The only question remaining is: what is it useful for from a teaching point of view? According to the survey of net generation net activity of students is not or not only organized for learning and education. Could you teach them to create their own frontpage and recommend a few widgets useful from a point of learning? What is your opinion? Enter in your progress diary!