TC03 - ICT tools in education (ÁTNÉZNI!: sok link és icon rossz/hiányzik)

E-learning curriculum


Aims of learning Learning objectives

When you have completed this session, you should be able to

  • define term "storyboard",
  • create one of the most important documents in planning an e-curriculum.


After the approval of he synopsis may star the detailed design work. The key planning tool for multimedia systems is the soryboard. First of all let's review the work phases, developing tools, and required experts.


What is it about?




Planing the screens. Composition, colors (background, text and navigation elements), font, font size, etc., template pages

graphic artist, teacher

graphic software, mint e.c. CorelDraw, PhotoShop (or manual)

Storyboard compilation

Flowchart discribing the structure of learning units. The items displayed on each screen describing the properties and their interactive steps.

teacher, e-learning method expert

Word processor, a special flow editor. (May be prepared manually!)

Collect and edit media elements

Create pictures, sounds, narrations, video, animations

media editor, teacher

Mediaeditor software

Writing curriculum

Writing the curriculum, practicing, illustrative of tasks and their solutions. Definitions, concepts.

author, teacher(s)

Word processor, HTML editor

Proofreading I.

Professional,linguistic, stylistic control.


Word processor

Integration, implementation [1]

Edit the e-learning unit from the elements based on the storyboar in a frame system.

teacher, mediaeditor, programmer

Multimédia szerzői rendszer (pl. Macromedia Director, Authorware, Adobe Flash)

Data entry

In online frame systems you should upload the LO-s, such as definitions, test etc.

teacher, administrator

frame system

Testing, modification, documentation

Testing the completed e-learning unit in several enviroment (configuration, browser)

teacher, student programmer

Runtime environment (hardware+szoftware)

Proofreading II.

Methodological, pedagogical evaluation.

expert, student

frame system


Possible variation on a proposal of the reader

programmer, media editor

frame system

Master copy

Create a master Multimedia CD for the reproduction.

programmer, media editor

frame system

Documentation, archiving

Archiving the sources.

teacher, programmer

Word processor

No strict order for the work phases. Some of them can be parallel (e.g. writing curruculum, design plans, collecting elements)

ikonTeachers can create a digital repository from their LO-s. This allows picture, audio, video and more materials can also be used in several lessons.


Storyboards provide a complete picture of what the final program will look like, its a kind of constuction manual. Contains all the information for developing without asking the authors. Annex, or part of the revised textbook developed by the authors contains thee text elements (explanations, tasks, concepts).

Storyboard has the following major elements

There is no standard. The point is to reach a transparent documentation for processing.It's worth making a sketch even if the teacher is a person, author, and programmer. You can use flowcarts for example. More people working together in development, the more important that each item identified clearly.

For larger software developments worth designing a template library, single tables, pre-defined content worksheets.

Storyboard -General description:

  • basic information (author's data, topic, unit, structure)
  • navigation tools („scroll”, „search”, help, start test)
  • describes the orientation marks

Description of construction (building from the elements):

screenScreen planning

You should describe all different screen structures and their elements, the physical location, role and content of each element. You need a list of media elements for each screens to identify them.


Represents the curriculum structure, progression of the different levels and navigation options.


    Graphical presentation of the curriculum ( colour, background, font, navigation elements) Based on the design plan it's worth creating several templates,which significantly simplifies the design and construction as well.

    The consturctur needs the exact plan of each screen, place of elements, functions, interactivity). You can use a simple form, where sign the text, image, navigation elements

    Place of different elements

    Form for mediaelements

    The annex of screenplans is meadia elemets describing with ther metadata:

    Text elements: the whole text (file, path), font, size, type

    Graphic elements: name, size, format

    Sound, video: lenght, size

    Some additional data if needed:
















    [*] Tay Vaughan: Multimedia, Osborn McGraw-Hill, Berkely, 1999. Hazai kiadás: Panem Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2002.

    [**] Rakaczkiné, dr Tóth K., Szabó J., Szentpétery Zsolt: Az e-tenanyag fejlesztésének pe­dagógiai-távoktatási alapjai, SZIE, GTK Közép-Magyarországi Regionális Távoktatási Központ, Gödöllő, 2002.

    [***] Farkas Róbert: Az ipari forradalom elektronikus tananyag, Szakdolgozat, Oktatásinformatikus képzés, Prompt Oktatóközpont,Gödöllő, 2005.

    [****] Hutter O., Magyar G., Mlinarics J.: E-learning 2005, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2005.

    [*****] Kovács Ilma: Az elektronikus tanulásról, Holnap Kiadó, 2007