Saturday, 18 May 2024, 8:33 PM
Site: Tenegen
Course: Glossary, games (glossary, games)
Glossary: Glossary

Blended learning

A mixture of various learning strategies and delivery methods that can optimize the learning experience of the user. Classroom training sessions, Computer-Based Training ( CBT ) via a CD-ROM, Web-Based Training ( WBT ) can be combined to train learners. WBT may be delivered on demand, or at a specific time to involve an instructor and other students.


Originally called "Web Log" or binary-log, this is means of knowledge sharing on the web. It is a website where the owner (author) publishes personal messages, similar to a daily diary, and other people may reflect upon the entries, or make comments on the messages. Users can post a chronological, up-to-date e-journal entry of their thoughts. This is generally an open forum communication tool but it can perform a crucial function for an organization or company. There are three basic varieties: those that post links to other sources, those that compile news and articles, and those that provide a forum for opinions and commentary.