Saturday, 27 July 2024, 3:41 PM
Site: Tenegen
Course: Help (help)
Glossary: Help - learning guide

Add new entry into the glossary

1. Click the icon of the glossary on the front page, and than click "Add a new entry"

New entry

2. In the next window write the name of the concept and write its explanation using the editor



3. As a next step you should scroll down and choose a category, or write keywords which can be related the concept. Not obligatory!


4. In the next part you may attach a picture choosing it from your folder.


5. Yous should switch on "This entry should be automatically linked"! It means that inside the text, in the e-learning material the concept will be signed as a link (underlined) and by clicking it the explanation will be displayed in a new window.


6. The last step to save the new entry!



Elisiana's first blog

I want to use this space to register my steps in my learning process inside TENEGEN. I also would like to comment on some issues (how much have I learnt, what have I learnt today, was it something really new, have I liked today's lesson, my ractions about an online course, ect).


How to write blogs in Moodle

At the left side of the front page you find the text:
Blogs New blog post
Click it please!
The message tells you that you have not any post yet!

Click th "New blog post" button! You will offered a text editor window, where you should give a title to your post, and you can write the text you want to!


In the next window - you will see if you scroll down - you may give so called "tags"- keywords related to the content of your post - which help you later to find it!


At the same input box you may choose from the options: will you allow others to comment your post or not, and should it be visible for others at all, or not.

Finally you should save your text by clicking the "Save changes" button.

No you are ready, you will see the result:

Tags Links RSS

At last, you should look around at the right side, where you find:
  • Blog options - to write a comment what is the aim (the main focus) of your blog
  • View entry - where you may browse others' blog posts
  • Tags - with numbers showing how many posts have you written connected to the tags
  • Links - to attach external links to your blog
  • RSS, Atom - you may ask for messages (trough your browser), if the anybody writes a new post, or a new comment. Which one should you to choose, depends on you browser.
Now, you can return to the front page by clicking the "Home" button at the left corner of your window!


Reflecting on the forum

If you are already in the forum, you can choose from the different topics:


After having chosen a topic, you will be offered a combobox, to set the type of the order of the posts - please select what you prefer!order of the posts

Now you can read the reflections of others, you can read them, and choose the one you want to reflect on:


Below to the post you may see three options (Edit, Delete, Reply), or if you do not have right to delete, you will see only the link "Reply". Please click it, and then scroll to the text editor window, end write your reflection!

Having finished the editing you are asked to choose again among some options, please do it as you please.


You can decide wether you want to get an e-mail about your post, you may attach a file to your post (by searching for it among your files with the "Browse" button. If you click "Mail now", your post will be published at once, otherwise you have 30 minutes to edit, correct the text before the system will publish it.



Saving or embedding MindMeister map

After you finished your MinMap in MindMeister, you can save your drawing in different format (depending on your license: in Premium license you have more option).


Up to your map you see a banner with commands, among them the "Export". Click it!

You see here the options rolling down the list:

Export Option

You have to know, that all the options on the picture are available only if you pay for Premium license.

Choose the ones you need and save it.

Sharing, embedding

To share the map you find the command bottom at the left corner of the screen. By clicking it you can share map for collaboration with others, or you can publish it on any other place, like your blog embedding the map inside your online text.

Share the map

For embedding, you should choose "Publish", and then "Embed map..." from the panel!

Sharin Options

You will be navigated to another panel, where you find a code, and several options, like the size of the picture.


Copy the code (for example by clicking CTRL+C), and go to the page in your blog, where you want to insert it. (Do not bother with its content!:))

Code for embedding

In your blogpost you should change from "Edit" mode to "HTML", than paste the code (for example by clicking CTRL+V) and save the post. You will see the interaktive map in your text. Your visitors can even edit the map - it is depending on the options you choosed from the options!

Sending a message

  1. At the bottom of the window you see always your name.
your name

If you click it, the navigation bar will change:


  1. Clicking the "Participants", a list appears with the name of the participants.
  2. Click the name, whom you want to send a message to! You will be navigated to the profile of the person with a button Send a message.
  3. You will get a new window where you can write your text, and after having finished the writing you should click again the "Send a message" button.

Your fellow will get the message at once when she/he enters the Moodle.

Submit an assignment

Where are the tasks?
Where we can see a small icon next to the text in the course lessons. feladat ikon
For example in the activities: If you click the tasks in the activities, you receive a task list, with some information: type, deadline, etc..:
 Activities  List
The tasks are available in the course lessons or in the forthcoming events list.
 Asssignments deadlines
If you choose one of the above, the task text will appear, and we can start the solving. The next step depends on the type of the task. If we have to upload a previously done file, such as a Word document, you receive this message:


Click the Browse button and you can browse the file on your PC and click the the Upload button and you are ready. If you have to edit „online” text , scroll down a little and you can find the task test with this message:
Click to edit button and a small text editor window will appear where you can write your text.
Editing your text
 After finishing, click the Save changes button below editor window and you ready.

Saving it


Uploading LOs into the Moodle database

1. You find the database of learning objects in the laboratory. After opening it, you will see a list with objects already uploaded: Learning Objects


2. You have to choose "Add new entry", and than fill out the meatadata about your learning object!


Add entry

It is not obligatory to fill out all the figures!


3. You have to browse the file containing your learning element from your computer!


4. As a last step you have to save the new record!
