How to "scormizise" a LO [2 ROSSZ LINK!]
Teachers who are involved in online training activities need to know what activities their students have actually performed. They could wish to know, for example, if the students have opened a certain LO and how long they have dedicated to it.
A web page, in itself, does not allow such "tracking".
To "scormize" a LO of one or more web pages means inserting a bit of code, written in Javascript, allowing it to communicate with any kind of LMS and, as a consequence, to allow tracking.
The transformation of a web page into a SCO occurs by inserting some Javascript code that allows an event to be associated (uploading, downloading, clicking on a button ...) to the performance of specific functions such as the ones connected to the communication with LMS.
In its simplest form an SCO is, then, made up of a web page with some supporting Javascript code.
There are programmes for the creation of SCOs - for example EXE, in the open source field - that create web pages already containing such a code.
There are also web page editors that perform the function of a "runtime wrapper" that allows the scripts of the functions wanted in the web page to be inserted in an automatic way. Fortunately it is not necessary either to be a programmer or to study the Javascript language to modify web pages that have already been developed but which are not yet standardised in order to make them SCORM compliant.
You can do it in a very easy way using what is contained in this zipped file [ROSSZ LINK!!!]
- available for download.