Open Educational Resources and Repositories
Repositories of Open Educational Resources
International repositories
The following is a list of repositories of Open Educational Resources.
- MIT Open Courseware
- Connexions
- Merlot
- OER Commons
- Curriki (mainly lesson plans)
- Open Courseware Consortium
- Globe
though you can find many more repositories listed at the Exemplary Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories page of WikiEducator (in turn, a good source of materials that you can use to produce your Learning Objects)
Visit them, and try to find resources that could be useful for you.
You should be aware, if you are not a native English speaker, that all these repositories are in English! Nevertheless, try to search through them. The interface is very intuitive, and you can start by searching for "Hungarian" or whatever your language is. if you are lucky, you'll find something! If not, you could try the Hungarian repositories listed on the following page.
By the way, now you have one more reason to prepare your own learning materials: most of the resources on the Web are in English!