


The themes

What are learning objects (LOs)?
This LO proposes to explain what LOs are, their most important characteristics, and why they should be used in teaching .

The objectives

When this LO is completed you will:
- know of the most important attributes of LOs;
- undestand why LOs have a place in teaching;
- be able to describe the characteristics of a learning object;
- have developedĀ an awareness to critique LOs and future developments.

How organised

- Introduction
- What is a learning object ?
- Why use learning objects?
- Characteristics of a learning object
- Pros and Cons of LOs
- Conclusions
- Biblio/sitography


About 1 hour

Creative Commons License
Learning objects by Francesca Berengo, Severina Caroli e Monica Terenghi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5 Italia License.

LO credits & history

April 2006

First version by Francesca Berengo, Severina Caroli e Monica Terenghi, ITSOS "Marie Curie", within the SLOOP project (PE1, internal course).
Translation by Lisa Carey of the Cork College of Commerce, Cork, Ireland.

August 2006

Second version by Francesca Berengo, Severina Caroli e Monica Terenghi, ITSOS "Marie Curie", within the SLOOP project (PE2, cascade course).
Translation by Lisa Carey of the Cork College of Commerce, Cork, Ireland.

March 2010

Third version by Giovanni Fulantelli, CNR-ITD, within the Tenegen project (transformed into Moodle book format and readaptation).