TC03 - PowerPoint
Learning objectives
When you have completed this session, you should be able to
- make difference between views.
In View menu the following kind of views can be chosen without completeness:
— Normal
— Slide Review
— Note
— Sample/ Slide Sample
We can switch between Normal, Slide Review, and Presentation modes with the small buttons in the lower left hand corner above the status bar. It is recommended for eagle-eyed people only.
In Normal view in the left work window we can choose between Draft and Slide views. Those who like reading will like the first one while the other one is preferred by the more visual type. It is really surprising how many details were considered by the creators of the program.
Of course it is not the primary goal. In Draft view even listings can be interchanged easily. Texts can also be typed here.
Slide Review is useful when the presentation has many slides. In this view all slides can be previewed in reduced format and the sequence can be changed with using drag&drop or the useless slides can be erased. Animations attached to some slides when choosing Individual animation. This also works for transitions.
In Note view some notes can be written for the slides. This can be done in Normal view as well when clicking on the window for Write notes here. The Note page provides more in a way that different types of texts can be edited in this view. This does not seen to be a very important standpoint but it is good to know about. In ECDL exercises there is a task for changing the color of the text written in the note page which can only be accomplished here. Even images can be inserted here. Notes are not made for the editors primarily but for those making the presentation. We can provide them some important information here, which are not intended to be projected.
One of the most important Views is Slide Sample. Its application can be dismissed but not using it may cause, in many cases, some unnecessary additional work.
Slide Sample View
Slide samples are the standards and patterns for all slides. All that is adjusted in the samples e.g. the color of the pattern, different objects or texts written in text boxes will be visible in every slide unless something hides them. Do not worry about the many space reservations. Those written in the space guides will not appear but this is just fine the way it is. Reservations only show the arrangements in case there are any slides with titles.
So, Slide samples are special type of slides which do not appear during presentation only the units and formats will be represented.
The most important editing options are the followings: background color, text type, text size, color, …. and some other adjustments like shades, symbols for listings etc.
Besides the reservations for sample title and texts there are some more reservations for date and time, footnotes, and slide numbers. Writing into these is not allowed either only the format should be adjusted. For example the text appearing in the footnote shall be yellow.
Later when making a comprehensive change this way slides are not needed to be changed one by one. The new background, new logo or new text format must be adjusted only on the sample slide. PowerPoint refreshes automatically the existing slides and the new ones will also look the same way. Transitions or animations can be adjusted here too.
Slide sample view can be ceased in two ways. One possibility is to click on the Close Sample View button of the floating toolbar for slide samples. This way we return to the previous view. Another way is to choose the needed view in the View menu which is the Normal view in most cases.
Inserting Objects
The different objects can be inserted in the slide samples too but in that case consider that they will appear in all slides. Let us see what sort of objects we are talking about.
Images can be inserted with the Insert/Image/From File command or directly from a camera. Prepared, mostly vector-graphic diagrams like ClipArts saved on hard disks or on the Internet can be inserted with the Insert/Image/ClipArt command. WordArts can be inserted from the Insert/Image menu too. There is an option for inserting Organization charts or the requested objects can be inserted from here. Moreover, from structure diagrams to voices many other things can be inserted. Most commands can be found as icons in the Paint toolbar.