TC03 - PowerPoint
Exporting, Printing
Learning objectives
When you have completed this session, you should be able to
- export slides as pictures,
- print slides.
Exporting, Printing and Others
Saving slides as pictures
Presentations cannot only be saved in .ppt (Presentation) or .pps (PowerPoint show) extensions but as web pages or sketches (texts in .rtf format). Moreover the actual slide or every slide can be saved as a picture. Select the slide and choose File/Save as. Find the right file for pictures (.gif, .jpg, .png, .tif, .bmp, .wmf, .emf). After clicking on Save, a question will appear asking if all slides or only the actual slide needs to be saved.
Set printing
After choosing File/ Print command let us check what kind of print settings are available in PowerPoint. Many things should be familiar but there are a few settings typical in PowerPoint.
On the bottom in the list for Print this we can select what to print out. The slides, more slides on one page (Reminders) notes included, (Notes) or just an overall sketch (Sketch).
When choosing Reminders right to the list it can be adjusted how many slides should be on one page. The maximum number can be defined.
Further down the color of the print can be adjusted which can be colorful, gray or black and white.
Printing hidden slides can also be adjusted.
Interesting things
With the Baggage command from File menu with the help of a wizard the presentation can be compressed and saved on a floppy disk in order to have the show in another computer.
With choosing Insert/Picture/New album, our favorite photos can bring happiness to the family or friends.