Picture Editing

Aims of learning Learning objectives

When you have completed this session, you should be able to

  • create pictures on your own.

Picture Editing in Practice

Various programs can be used for creating pictures for web pages. They are useful for:

  • creating,
  • retouching,
  • converting.

Picture editor programs are used for these tasks. These kinds of programs are available in large number these days. Some of them can be used universally while others are useful for executing only a few specific tasks.

There are many programs in circulation which are advertised as being web or multimedia (ROSSZ LINK!!!) designer programs. They are usually suitable for resolving some very specific tasks and do not allow full freedom for creativity. In return for this very quick results can be achieved.

It is worth to get acquainted with a program that provides many possibilities for web page designers. Knowing such program helps in the application of less intelligent software too.

Several companies offer image editing programs for general applications. Deciding which one to chose can be difficult because all of them are very smart. Just a few of them to mention here are Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, Painter, Paintshop, and Gimp.

Photoshop is the most popular among these which covers about 80 percent of the market share but the price is not so friendly. Gimp, however has similar utilities but it is entirely free which is unusual in a case of a semi-professional program.

(Note: Gimp is suitable the most for retouching, finishing work and for typographical preparation.)

Picture Creation with Gimp

Gimp is a program suitable for the creation and supplementary work of pixel-graphic images. A typical characteristic of pixel-graphic images is that they are made of dots having different colors. Our task and Gimp’s task as well is to adjust the colors of the dots properly. It seems to be extremely simple, but creating the right effect is not always so easy. The program provides help for this task.