"In fact, one of the saddest but most common conditions in elementary school computer labs (when they exist in the developing world), is the children are being trained to use Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I consider that criminal, because children should be making things, communicating, exploring, sharing,not running office automation tools." (Nicholas Negroponte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab)
Do you agree? Should we teach in the classroom how to use web 2.0 tools, instead of teaching MS Office?
In reply to Mária Hartyányi
Re: What to teach for childrens in computer labs?
by Pierfranco Ravotto -
Hi Maria
surely yes. That's true not only for children but also for teachers. For many years teachers training on use of computers has been based on office tools. But they need do learn communication tools more then office ones.
Tenegen courses are a good example of another way :-)
surely yes. That's true not only for children but also for teachers. For many years teachers training on use of computers has been based on office tools. But they need do learn communication tools more then office ones.
Tenegen courses are a good example of another way :-)
In reply to Pierfranco Ravotto
Re: What to teach for childrens in computer labs?
by Mária Hartyányi -
Pierfranco, I am very sorry, that you are not well trained in the Hungarian language! On the Hungarian Tenegen we are just speaking about this questions: what to teach in Informatics, how how to teach them. You are right! During the last years we gave lessons for teachers mainly about how to use Office applications, and we are wondering why they are not connected!
In reply to Mária Hartyányi
Re: What to teach for childrens in computer labs?
by Pierfranco Ravotto -
In reply to Pierfranco Ravotto
Re: What to teach for childrens in computer labs?
by Mária Hartyányi -
Yes, Pierfranco, I heard about it, an I have read the EPICT syllabus - I think the Tenegen and SLOOP conceptions are more up-to-date, but we have a very poor PR :( !