E-portfolios in network learning
Topic outline
ePortfolios in networked learning
"An e-portfolio is a purposeful aggregation of digital items - ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback etc, which 'presents' a selected audience with evidence of a person's learning and/or ability." Sutherland and Powell (2007)
In order to be able to learn in self-organized networks, it is of elemental importance to have some information about network members: their learning biography, previous experiences, success stories and perhaps a competence map describing their abilities in knowledge sharing, knowledge acquisition (learning), and knowledge creation. An e-portfolio (personal data) in a well-organized database could be a significant benefit in network learning.
"If portfolios are 'simply a collection of documents relating to a learner's progress, development and achievements' (Beetham 2005) then e-portfolios could be defined as simply digital collections of these documents. However, ideas of what an e-portfolio 'is' are complex and to an extent the definition and purpose will vary depending on the perspective from which a particular person is approaching the concept. Consensus is beginning to grow as experience of e-portfolios develops which will help converge these different ideas and definitions." (Source: http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/infokits/e-portfolios)
The main goal of the module is to enable participants to be able to create their own e-portfolio, to have their students create their own e-portfolios, and to organize network learning with the help of e-portfolio. (Full introduction text)
Learning outcomes
Space of activities